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This specific Mod is on a power trip


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To whom it may concern

Hello to my fellow bc players and administration. The reason I’m taking out the time to post this is because I genuinely believe that bc administration cares for their players and will surely investigate this issue and address my concerns. I basically want to bring an issue related to the recent unfair treatment and unnecessary bans against multiple players to your notice. There is this moderator that goes by the name of civil chaos who seems to be on a power trip since he’s been muting anyone that he doesn’t like or agree with and when others see his personal bias and raise their voices they also suddenly start to disappear from chat one by one. This guy muted me because he got offended that I asked him where did he learn to create chaos that’s civil I didn’t break any rules yet I was muted for a week and it’s not just me this post is on behalf of at-least 20 other players who are willing to testify against him aswell if anyone from senior bc administration want to confirm this I will in private reveal the names of all these players. I want you to check recent chat history from whenever he’s been on his shift you will find enough proof against him. I really hope bc does us justice and dismiss this corrupt mod giving you guys a bad name.

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i honestly don’t believe this to be the case. Civil has always been fair and i don’t know of anyone who has ever been obviously muted by him in bad faith.

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